Welcome to Beginning Journalism!
Hello Parents and Students,
Welcome to Journalism. My name is James Bourland, and I am the
publications instructor for both the THMS Cactus Chronicle and the Tucsonian
I graduated from THMS in 2006, going through the journalism program at
the time. I finished my career at THMS as the sports editor, which included my
very own sports column.
After high school, I attended the University of Arizona’s School of
Journalism. I worked the city politics beat for the Tombstone Epitaph, along
with writing for the Arizona Sonoran News Service.
I graduated from the University of Arizona in 2011 with a Bachelor’s
degree in journalism.
I am a freelance high school sports reporter for the Arizona Daily Star,
and have reported as a freelance journalist at several other publications
around town.
While this is my first teaching job, I’m excited to kick of the new
semester with a fresh set of faces.
I am very passionate when it comes to journalism. To be able to teach the
next wave of young talent to enter into the world of journalism is very
exciting for me.
Though journalism is in a transitional period, moving from print media to online and multimedia, I hope to show students the importance of learning both the writing and media aspects of the job.
While much of the class is centered around journalism and today’s media,
we will also focus on business and marketing skills in our curriculum.
As an example, students will understand the importance of a budget, how
to read and breakdown a budget, and how to write about the budget.
While budgets are just some of what is covered in this class, students
will also have the opportunity to write for both the Chronicle and the
Tucsonian during the semester.
I look forward to the upcoming semester and the opportunity to work with
you and your student. Welcome to the wide world of journalism!
James Bourland
Publications InstructorTucson High Magnet School